Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Living in the world of numbers...permanently.

So we all know that I seem to have had some pretty crappy luck as of late and I was feeling as though I just couldn't catch a break...with anything. This I will not plunge into too deeply, I will focus more on what has given me some sort of light in my life :)

I was sitting in a somewhat lengthy Accounting team meeting, listening to Mike explain his extensive week, thinking about how unexciting mine my plan was compared to all the important things he had listed, when he turned to me and said "Kati, are you still interested in working for Accounting full time." My heart started to speed up as my eyes got wide and I stutter "Y-y-yes." After I regrouped alittle I found out that I will be switching to the accounting department full time within the next few weeks. No details have really been figured out, but I assume this is my boost in some confidence that has been needed over the last few weeks.

Not as exciting as the "crappy" weekend my sisters had, but at least its an update, and a positive one at that!


Gold-E said...

Hmm...being an this a positive or a negative? Just kidding, sissy. This is great news! I'm glad Wasatch has finally figured out how awesome you are!

Rachel said...

Beats having a tape worm!