Monday, June 23, 2008

Melrose and the Masses.

So, I post a blog saying I moved and then never follow up. I am really bad at this, but promise to do better now that my international finance class is over and I have 6 more hours during the week to focus on more pertinent items...such as my blog.

This last weekend was full of food and fun times with new friends in the "Melrose" complex. I guess it is called Melrose because everyone seems to meet their spouse there...I will go no further on this topic.

Last week I had this unusual craving for homemade pizza. I am rather selective about pizza and if its not from Davids or Litzas, I'm always a little reluctant, but for some reason I wanted homemade pizza and I was not going to stop talking about it until someone agreed. Well...they did.

Saturday I found a whole wheat pizza dough recipe and went to work to make the dough from scratch. I contemplated just buying premade ones, but then thought if I did this they would not be truly homemade and the fact that Ben's roommate looked at me in utter disgust when I mentioned store bought, I figured I would just test my skills. I digress. So there I am, Saturday after noon in a hot kitchen without measuring spoons and oil trying to make pizza dough. I feel that I have become pretty good at improvising because the dough turned out great with applesauce instead of oil and me just kind of guessing how much was a tablespoon and teaspoon.

So we made three pizzas and had some fun with the guys that live in the building. After that we all decided to watch the nice demonstration of diet coke and mentos. Best part...everyone convincing Chad that he should drink the diet coke while exploding with the mentos, completely hilarious. Oh Megan...I guess she likes cheese, or just likes to say cheese and look cheesy...Anyways.

Next food event, Sunday morning. After being locked out of my apartment on Saturday night, I wake up to smell this nice cinnamon deliciousness being cooked. The night before a few of us decided that we would all make something and come together for a nice big breakfast. Joe, Ben's roommate, decided to contribute bread pudding. I was in heaven just looking at it, tasting it just made it even better. Again, I digress. We had about 20 people come to breakfast and we had everything from bread pudding to eggs to sausage. I think its great to people want to come hang out (even though we still don't have a couch), but its awesome nonetheless. Here are a few pictures and I will post the rest on my picture page.Here is a picture of the wonderful bread pudding and some of the other good food that was brought for our shindig.

These pictures are mostly here to show you what our kitchen looks like...looks like we need some pictures on the wall or


Elizabeth R said...

Good times! I think its cute the guy behind Ben is all ready for church... he just wants some food first.

Lisa said...

I didn't know you live with Megan! That's cool. It looks like you guys have a good time.