Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Alright so I have been pretty much the biggest slacker at writing on my blog since the half marathon...and when I think about it, a lot has gone on since then. So, this is my attempt to catch up.

Since the Salt Lake Half Marathon I have done two more races. I somehow talked Megan into running the Alta Club 5K with Rebekah and I because it was a pretty low key race and a great one to have as your first 5k. The Alta Club 5k has been around for 3 years and my sister has run it every year, and though she is convinced that I have run it as well, this was truly my first year.

Anyways, the morning of the race we all head to the little table to get our numbers only to find out we aren't on the list even though we had already paid. Have no fear the girl remembered us and we were just put on the list and given a number. The next few minutes we bounce around because it is freezing! I have told Megan that I would run with her because this race isn't that big of a deal and I'm not looking to win or anything. Well...I am the worst friend ever because my competitive instinct kicked in as soon as I heard the girl scream "GO!". I put my headphones in, see a guy from work that I am determined to beat, and I am gone before Megan can even press play on her ipod. Hopefully she has forgiven my selfishness by now. I digress. The race heads up city creek canyon and then comes back down, which gives some great incentive to go faster because gravity is working in your favor, and I hit the finish line in about 23 minutes. Not too bad, a little less than an 8 minute mile, but the best part is I won my age division! Besides the medal that everyone gets for the half marathon (by the way, that medal means more to me than it probably should), I got a gold medal for winning my age division. I was so excited only this stupid thing, but it was the real 1st place medal I think I've ever received. I've had swimming ribbons, but the girl that couldn't even run a mile just won a race...I enjoyed it :)

The other race that I chose to take part in was the Race for the Cure. Originally Beck wasn't going to run it because she had planned to be out of town. So again, I drag Megan to take part in the race with me. This time Ben decided to wait at the finish line for us...what a good guy. Anyways, there were SO many people there that the thought of trying to run through the 16,000 "runners" was pretty much ridiculous, but if you know me at all, I will do my best to run anyway. After passing the stroller walkers, then the walkers, then the run walkers, and finally getting to some people that were actually running, we could breathe a little. Don't worry in this race I actually stayed with Megan and we finished together. As we cross the finish line, there is Ben, all bundled up in two sweatshirts waiting for us to finish so he could leave. After we send Ben on his way, Megan and I start to look for Beck and Noelle who started out as one of those "stroller walkers", but ditched that idea when the walkers were a little too slow for their speediness. Here are a few pictures of us from the race. Don't mind Noelle's face...she was eating fruit snacks and getting her picture taken was the last thing on her mind.


Me said...

You are so stinking fast I am so jealous!! Yeah I tell myself I don't care but we all know that I do! But congratulations on winning first in your age division that's so dang awesome! You should try a marathon... yeah I'm actually pretty scared myself to do the Top of Utah (it's down Logan canyon), I know I've done it before but that was a long time ago... we'll see if we really end up signing up. But you could totally do it and do amazing too!

Gold-E said...

You rock Kate, even if I KNOW you've run the Alta Club before. Congrats on first place.