Wednesday, August 19, 2009

E + J = L 4EVER

Though this is nearly a month late, I thought I would acknowledge the marriage of my baby sister E to the lovely Mr. Lawrence.

July 27, 2009

Happy as a clam...

The Roos children. We are a good lookin' group of rejects :)One big happy family.Bridesmaids and Groomsmen

I was told I wasn't being a very good maid of honor because I wasn't following E around constantly. So, here I am, being a crutch.A few of the bridesmaids at the reception. The dresses turned out better than expected.

The polka dot wedding cake and Nascar groom's cake. Just fyi, he has decided to freeze the groom's cake and not let anyone touch it.
The first dance. My job was to load the wedding approved song list to my ipod. I downloaded the song they were supposed to dance to for their first dance, but neglected to actually put it on my ipod. We didn't realize this until about 3 minutes before the first dance. I calmly pulled E aside and said "Don't freak out...we don't have the first dance song. Any others that can be a replacement?" Thankfully she was awesome about it. I felt terrible.
The darling Noelle, displaying exactly how we all felt by the time the reception ended.

As always, more pictures are found in the photo gallery

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