Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Project Organization...

So, I have this problem...it is called "the constant need to have a project".

While Mr. Army was gone for drill last week, I was bound and determined to turn the spare room's closet from the place to put all of our junk, to the place that stores all of our junk in an organized way.

Let's be honest, I was too embarrassed to take before pictures, but here is what we have so far:

 I guess I like green.

Trust me...it looks a lot better. And don't judge me that my food storage (ish) and Mr. Army's closet happen to be the same place. And yes, the top shelf is lined with 6 protein powder containers. I need flavor options. (that is a whole other "problem")
 I was so proud of my closet success, and then Mr. Army came home and this is what happened to the room. Thanks a lot, Army and all of your necessary junk. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

omg i LOVE the organization closet!