Monday, March 31, 2008
While the Cat's Away...
Happy Birthday Ms. Jaime

Saturday morning Ben and I decided to do a cross fit work out class at his gym. I wasn't sure what to expect so I just kind of blindly walked in hoping that I didn't die during the class. What we ended up doing was 3 rounds of 5 workout rotations that were 1 minute each. We each had a partner who counted for us and then we tallied our scores at that end. I managed to get second for the girls, but it was quite the struggle. Ben is definitely a rockstar. He did so well, and really pushed himself. I was impressed as always. After that workout I ran to Ben's parents house so we could join the birthday fiestivities.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A Few of My Favorite Things...
1. Great Harvest Bread Company -

2. Spoon Me -
If you spend any extended period of time with me, or even just look at my car, you will hear something about Spoon Me. Ben likes to refer to me as the spoon me poster child. I have a couple of their shirts, some of their underwear, a sticker for my car and are looking into the new sweats I just realized they have. Nope, Spoon me is not a clothing store, it is natural frozen yogurt ironically(so why they have clothes and such, I'm not sure). Basically, Spoon Me is the ColdStone for the healthy. There is nothing added to the frozen yogurt to make it bad for you and for your mix ins you can either get fruit, nuts, granola and maybe some cereal or chocolate if you prefer. Weighing in at 22 calories an ounce and tasting better than you would ever believe, I'm sold!

Between the new workout videos and my new love for body combat, I am set to kick anyone's booty that comes in my path...alright so I'm just really looking for alternative ways to keep in shape. I struggle not working out and I continually find new things to switch it up. I definitely recommend these two!
4. Whole Wheat Banana Bread

6. University of Utah Football

If you were to leave me with a can of mixed nuts or a bag of trail mix for too long, you will soon realize that the first thing to go are the cashews. I love cashews. I think I get this love from my dad who unfortunately suffers if he can't get to the cashews first.

How could I make a list of my favorite things and forget him!? Yeah, I'm a big dork, but I love this kid to death. He is amazing and has enough ambition and drive for the both of us. He sees where I am coming from, is a great listener and gives me his honest opinion. He is my cheerleader and pretty much my better half :)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The Pretzel Maker

Monday, March 10, 2008
kate, I think it's just a warning...
A couple of weekends ago Dustin (that's a name from the past now isn't it?) was having a house warming party and because I hadn't seen him since before Christmas I decided that maybe I would be a good friend and drop by. Of course I made Ben accompany me so I didn't stay the whole night and well, I just usually drag Ben everywhere I can get him to go. Anyways, we go to this apartment, which I'm sorry, it is a really nice apartment, but in a scary little neighborhood. Ben and I are pleased with our close parking and head up to the apartment, where we stay no more than 25 minutes, please note 25 minutes. We make nice and give Dustin a little house warming something something and decide to take off.
We get in the car and I notice a paper that is attached to my windshield. A little irritated I get out of the car to get it and then look to see that some little parking enforcer decided to write me a little ticket saying that I was not parked in a stall, and was blocking the unloading zone for the handicap stall. Ben, being the optimist that he is, says "Kate, I think it's just a warning." In his defense, there was no apparent amount attached to this mistake that I had made and for a brief moment I hoped to believe him...until I saw the code for my sweet ticket. Don't worry, I was written up for the largest parking ticket possible. $100 for blocking a handicap loading zone. The lines were not clearly marked, it was 10:45 at night, and it was raining...therefore, Ben and I thought that it was a legitimate parking stall. After a few pictures, a plea to the one man jury at the court house, and a $70 reduction...the ticket has been paid. I feel that pleading my case was worth getting $70 knocked off.
Too bad this is not the end of my story...I think the Zions parking people are out to make a living off of parking violations. Saturday night Ben and I went to see a play at the Off Broadway Theatre and since there is no parking around there we thought the most logical place was to park at Wasatch. In normal Kati and Ben fashion we were running behind and thus to speed up the process I decided to park in the open lot instead of the covered parking. Well, who knew that the Zions parking enforcement would be working on a Saturday night? Not me...thats for sure. All of the Wasatch stalls were taken and so I used the "Reserved Parking" which I have done so many times before. This time...I have a nice $10 ticket to show for it.
The feet are screaming!
On Saturday I progressed one step further in my quest for the marathon distance. I made it 14 miles in pretty much exactly two hours. I was making exceptional time until about mile 12 when my feet were aching so bad I wanted to scream. I told myself I had to at least get to 13.1 and by that point I thought "if you just make it to the 2 hour mark you won't be as disappointed in yourself." I was saying this because I had planned 15 miles, my mind was ready for 15 miles, my heart and lungs were ready for 15 miles...but my feet weren't. I think the feet were screaming for me to get new running shoes and I don't blame them, it has been a while and therefore, I am on a mission to find new shoes. Here is my plug on running shoes, Asics are the way to go...light and comfy, works every time :)