Thursday, April 3, 2008

Body Combat!

So I've had a lot of people ask what body combat is and thus thought I would just post what it is so everyone knows :)

Body combat is basically a fitness routine that is martial arts based. It is kind of like kick boxing. Its actually becoming really popular (it is most popular in Australia ironically) but it is a combination of moves from karate, Muay Thai, Tae Kwan Do, Tai Chi, etc. It is a great way to get your heart rate up and keeps you moving to burn some calories. Great way to relieve some tension and stress...lots of kicking and punching at those frustrations - all non combat though just in case you weren't sure.

I go to a class every Tuesday and Thursday night at a little studio, but they are taught at eXcel and other places, I'm sure. If anyone would like to join me sometime let me know!

1 comment:

Laceski said...

Kati, darling! Body Combat sounds like a lot of fun, but it also sounds like it requires a lot of coordination... of which I am severely lacking... You should see me in aerobics. It's not pretty. Especially step aerobics, where not only is it not pretty, it can draw blood. :( I'm totally inspired by your dedication though and I think I want to give this Body Combat jazz a chance. There are certain days at work when I'm pretty sure the only want to make me feel better would include some violence. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for the suggestion! :)