Monday, January 21, 2008

A Weekend of Firsts...

As the snow continues to prevent the progress with my day (I have about 6 inches sitting on my car and it is not letting up), I thought I would write about my weekend.

After a nice Friday afternoon of being the lone ranger in the Finance/HR department, Ben and I ventured to Utah gymnastics meet where we had our first week of sitting on the front row. Lisa Western and Co. always go super early and save seats in the student section. Lucky for us, we put in requests and got the chance to sit with them on the front row. Unfortunately for Ben, he needs glasses and still struggled seeing...poor thing.

Saturday morning I had another first with my running routine. I made it 11 miles and would have continued going had the tredmill not turned off as well as my foot bleeding all over my shoe. I felt awesome afterward, which I think is a good sign. Only 2 more miles to go and I'll be there! What a great feeling...then we move to 26.2!

My favorite part of the weekend was Saturday night. Since Ben and I don't really get the opportunity to see each other during the week, due to the hectic school and work schedules, we try to do fun things on the weekends. This weekend we decided to make Chicken Tikka Masala from scratch because it is just so expense to go out. We were thrilled with our results, which I'm sure was partly due to the fact that it took us just over 2 hours from start to finish. I definitely recommend it if you feel you have time and the desire to try it. We just had it with basmati rice, but it would taste awesome with some naan as well. Here are some pictures of our fun creation!


Rachel said...

Why does it look so pink and not reddish? I hope it tastes better than it looks. What recipe did you use?

Me said...

Oh wow you have a blog, awesome! Thanks about the pictures. But I'm totally excited for you to train for a half!!!! Because to tell ya the truth that's what I'm trying to do now too, except I'm only at... 3 miles... and really slow... I've run one half and 4 full marathons, all before the kiddies, and have had trouble getting back into running but my goal is to do a half before any more babies decide to surprise me again. :) Now I'm rambling but I'm gonna go for the Ogden half. I really hope I'm not all talk! ANYWAY go for it!!!

Elizabeth R said...

Im not sure what that is... im thinking indian food.. but way to go! And im impressed with your running abilities!

Jessica said...

katie! i'm totally liking up our blogs!