Monday, March 15, 2010

Barefoot Running.

As some of you may know, my boyfriend has a knack for finding the most unusual and sometimes ridiculously crazy projects. Most of the time, I laugh in disbelief until he proves that it works (whatever it may be)

Well, the wild hair idea of the week: Barefoot Running.

At first, I wouldn't even let myself think about trying to run barefoot, but after some research and intriguing discoveries...we bought these...

Yeah, they are a little funny looking, but OH so comfortable. Running in these "shoes" will help to teach you how to change your running style. Most people that run, are "heel strikers", which means your heel will hit first and then you will distribute your weight forward. With barefoot running, you will bruise your heel with the heel strike approach, and therefore you need to adjust by landing more towards the ball of your foot and distribute your weight back.
...Mr. Army has been reading up on a blog called Barefoot Ted for some inspiration and tips for running barefoot.

Mr. Army actually tried the running today and said it was amazing. He felt that the run was more enjoyable and fun. I am a little nervous to try it, but will do so and let you know how it goes!


Rachel said...

you need to read the book Born to Run - we have the audio version.

Stacey said...

For someone with a foot issue...these shoes are wrong on so many levels. Hahahaha